I've never understood New Year's Resolutions. It seems to me to be very similar to the Sunday chant of "I will never drink again" - something you desperately feel you will keep in the moment because you
know it would be better for you, but you either can't or won't keep it up.
Instead, I've always (and by always, I mean the past few years, obviously) made tiny resolutions throughout the year. With the fear of sounding smug, it works a lot better. And to be completely honest, they're usually just guidelines. If I fail at one of my resolutions, I can go "meh" and try again next week. I tried making a list of what resolutions, rules and guidelines I'm currently following to some degree or other.
1. Don't buy new clothes, only second hand and vintage (since September 2008)
2. Don't buy clothes at all if you don't have a steady income
3. Give to charities monthly, and avoid buying one luxury for that amount of money
4. Yet indulge yourself now and then (hello pretty, new Moleskine diary)
5. Make an effort with your hair (silly short hair needs styling)
6. Wear nice clothes, even when you are home, alone, and no one will see them
7. Smile at people you think you might know, on the bus, on the street, in a shop, because if you do know them, that's good, if you don't, they get a smile from a stranger
8. Save money for travel, monthly
9. Travel
10. Have dinner with at least one other person every week to avoid becoming a lonely mad-woman
11. Stop drinking at midnight
12. Only buy clothes that will make people go "wow" or "ooh" or "can I stroke your arm, it looks so soft"
13. Never wear shabby clothes outside the house
14. Reply to all emails from Couchsurfers, even the weird ones
15. Learn, no really, learn conversational Spanish
I could probably think of fifteen more. But these'll do written down. If I just keep the rest in my head, it's more acceptable if I fail at them. A lot of the ones above are ones I am constantly working on, hoping that someday it feels completely natural.