Hello, beautiful rugged mountain landscape
Hello, sheep (no possibility to edit photos, apologies for poor quality)
Hello granjas! With mountains and rocks and more ruggedness
I feel weirdly at home here. Or, at least outside. In the house, I'm always slightly uncomfortable because my Spanish is so bad, and Alicja can communicate so much better than me. That's the way it has to be though, and it's what I've chosen.
Outside... This is like a strange mix between the Spain I visited as a child (Costa Brava), the England where I studied (Cornwall) and the Norway I grew up in (Tromso). I'm very excited about all this nature that wants walking in. I'm very happy about the weather that lets me wear a cardigan and no jacket or scarf. I'm so happy that I'm doing something, after nearly two months of unemployment (which I know is not long. Still, though). And I'm doing something for my future - I want to speak Spanish, and I'm going to.
Have to remind myself sometimes. Anyway. Happy days (in general). Get some photos of the granja and the house soon.
Enjoy our extra day!