24th March, 2012, thank you Norway
Niece and family dog forced together for photo session.
Actually taken on my birthday. Note the snow blowing across our faces.
25th March, 2012, thank you again TROMSØ
Yes, I was wrong to say Norway under the top photo. In the car on the way back from my sister on Sunday (may I also say: My birthday? Mount of Doom+Ring-day? And International Waffle Day?), Maja called me from Oslo and asked about the weather. She'd just been to Frognerparken (where they keep their naked statues) having waffles in the sunshine and 15 degrees.
Ah well, this week has been more rain, then rain, some sleet and some more rain, and now it's all frozen over and become lethal ice. Good thing it's going to rain more. No, I'm not complaining - tonight I'll be celebrating my birthday (final mention) with my friends. In May I shall be in Falmouth, Brighton and London - and before this I am going to Oslo and Russia (fingers crossed) with the Red Cross. Life is very good.