It's still fairly early to start decorating for Christmas in Norway
Because you don't take in your Christmas tree until the 23rd
And you don't decorate it until the evening of the 23rd of December
But here in Cali, we've pretty much been living in a Christmas Wonderland (without the winter part) since the end of November. I'm fairly happy with this, since it lets me get in a Christmas mood even though I'm living close to the equator, "cold" means less than twenty degrees celsius, and I'm far away from my family. Sometimes I get in too much of a Christmas mood and I miss everything at home, almost down to the stormy winter weather and the icy, slippery roads. Then someone passes me some Colombian Christmas treat and there's music and people, perhaps some dancing, and general happiness ensues. And that's just a normal day in the office.
Anyway, I'm enjoying the experience. And the food. And the dancing.