Look, there's a river. And a rainforest.
I have a startling amount of boring photos from the Amazon. There are lots of trees. A lot of river. One or two not-so-flattering portraits of me doing amazing stuff and not thinking about how I look, courtesy of my brilliant guide Reinaldo. More trees. And then some more river. But some of the river-and-rainforest-photos did turn out all right, like this one, when we were on our way home to the cabins after a day of dolphin-spotting (but really bad photo opportunities), lake-swimming (one of those portraits I talked about) and piranha-fishing (coincidentally in the same lake I had just been swimming in).
The best thing about being in the Amazon was just this - being out on a river all day, only seeing trees and plants and green things all around me, and listening to the deafening sound of hundreds of toads, birds and cicadas calling for attention.
Now I'm off on another holiday (I do work sometimes, I promise), so we'll just leave this photo as a teaser for what I'll upload mid-April. Prepare yourselves for unflattering photos of me doing things.