13 Dec 2012


14-16th December: Cabin trip near Oslo with people I'm travelling with in January.
16-21st December: Copenhagen, Denmark, seeing Cecille again for the first time in two years!
21st-27th December: Tenerife, Spain (Canary Islands), family Christmassy time.
28th December: Home! Home, home, home, at least a week or two before more adventures, which I've realised I haven't made that public yet, so you just have to wait...

Now to my Red Cross Christmas dinner, then sleep, then Oslo-time!

7 Dec 2012

40 day dream

Just been reminded that this song exists. Other than that: ALL the preparations. None of the time to sort out the photograph problem with my blog.

4 Dec 2012

Wintery times

Still working, still slightly stressed out, still happy that it's December and I can fill the breaks with baking Christmas cookies with my grandmother, and eating them and drinking lots of hot drinks at work. Sleep.

1 Dec 2012

December equals Christmas

And even though you have to go to work or clean the house or go to the dentist, it's still December and everything is filled with candle light and gingerbread and hot drinks and people seem predisposed to be happy.

29 Nov 2012


Did I mention we're in the dark period/polar night now? As of last week, no more sunshine!
Until I go to Oslo in two weeks, of course...

27 Nov 2012


By Lukas Moodysson, I managed to find one with English subtitles

One of the big Red Cross Youth campaigns this year is against loneliness - since the numbers of lonely youth are constantly increasing. The Norwegian Red Cross Christmas campaign is called Loneliness doesn't go on holiday (implied Christmas holiday). Through this I was reminded of this incredibly strong film. It just makes me remember that I should talk to the random odd people some times, because maybe all they need is someone to talk to. I just make sure not to enter their houses (seriously, watch the film) or stay alone with them.

26 Nov 2012

Cecille! Copenhagen!

 Visiting me in Falmouth, October 2009

 The last time I saw her in person, December 2010

Young and unexperienced back in August 2006

I'm so incredibly excited right now. I have a lot of other travel plans which will be announced shortly, but this one just came true as I got the tickets into my mail inbox tonight. I'm going to see Cecille on my way between a seminar in Oslo and Christmas holidays at Tenerife with my family - and while the seminar is exciting and I love my family, I haven't seen Cecille, one of my closest friends, since my last trip to Tenerife two years ago, when I also stopped in Copenhagen on the way.
I have this fear that we will meet and have nothing to talk about and everything will be rubbish, but that's hardly likely. EXCITE.

25 Nov 2012

No photos today,

Ladies and Gentlemen, since without no previous notice, I've suddenly used up all my storage space on the blog, and I'll have to look into this/do something about it. Tomorrow. (Today is Downton Abbey).

I've had a lovely weekend.

Friday was the first day (both weekday/weekend) I had without going to any Red Cross House or activity since 28th October.
Saturday was the first day I could sleep in since I-don't-know-maybe 20th October.
Saturday was the first party I went to since Utropia Cabin Trip at the end of September.

Saturday also brought two Christmas parties, one family and one Utropia, which in Norway means a lot of greasy, fatty food and of course a lot to drink. Christmas dinner twice in one day! And already today Sunday I'm busy stuffing myself with pancakes and chocolate.

Om nom Christmas, bring it on, I say!

23 Nov 2012

Quiet week

Only consisting of work every day (but Friday), then
Monday, gym + home, relax
Tuesday, library + dance, home, sleep
Wednesday, Christmas shopping, library, dinner, dance, home, sleep
Thursday, Utropia editorial meeting, drinks, art gallery opening, drinks, drinks, drinks
Friday, day off, exercise, Christmas shopping, home, relax, getting ready for two Christmas parties tomorrow and seeing my sister for the first time since I heard she was pregnant.

I have photos, somewhere...

18 Nov 2012


Finally finished the third weekend of Red Cross Youth courses, this one held by me. Came home and thought I'd get lots of things done, ended up having a Downton Abbey Marathon to catch up with the episodes I've missed the past weeks.

Happy days.

Then sleep.

17 Nov 2012

Night of Unfinished Works

 a) find a nice, cosy venue, with books and magazines and odd furniture and fairy lights (v.important)

 b) invite friends and friends' friends, let them have a drink

c) lower the threshold by doing your own contemporary dance 

d) success! Some of my friends arranged this, last week, and it was really a lovely evening. Much like an open mic night, only with an open stage, projector, room, whatever you want. We had a poem, a short stand up comedy show, a reading, contemporary dancing and story telling. I had so many interesting conversations with people, about immigration and art and things and stuff and I can't even remember. It could definitely have been staged in Falmouth.
On another subject: I have been saying hello to my cat, and my glasses are covered in fur. Good day to you!

16 Nov 2012

Precious and Sunniva

 Fantastic unfocused photo

Sweet, normal photo

I have so many amazing unfocused and blurry photos. The one above is a result of giving my no-automatic-focus-lens to Silje, and having no flash, trying to bring the candle as close to us as possible, I upset Precious by bringing it too close too suddenly. We were eating in a really dark pub-type restaurant at the end of the Migration course. More Red Crossing to be done this weekend!

15 Nov 2012

Angry bird

 Dina deciding to switch chairs every two minutes when we were at the library last Friday

 Dragging the table to the chair, climbing into it

 Then realising the table was too close. ADORABLE, YES

Later: refocusing her energies on drawing

My niece is wonderful, especially when she gets annoyed about the tiniest things. We had a really good day together, hiding behind the armchair to keep away from the lions, whilst drinking "coffee" from water bottles, then going to the library to pretend to read books, and change seats every two minutes.

14 Nov 2012

And lastly; Miss Olsen

 November 2011

 February 2010

November 2011 (serious face)

Happy birthday Viktoria! With this, I'm going to end the birthday run, and start focusing on Christmas. Which is soon, believe it or not. I'm going to two Christmas parties next weekend (Nov 24th).
Anyway, happy birthday, my dear, I will get you a nice present soon!

13 Nov 2012

I exist

Rubbish phone photo of lovely people, stolen from Jonas Ali Ghanizadeh (second from right)

There I am, happy that this wasn't taken with a high-resolution camera, which would have captured my tiredness after a weekend course in Migration, with little sleep and lots of new knowledge to stuff into my head. It was a very good course though, and I know a lot more about what happens when people come to Norway to seek asylum. Good stuff.

12 Nov 2012

And theeeen

I think this is my favourite of the one million (or thereabouts) photos I have of her

Happy birthday Ida! Dearest, loveliest Ida! I'm looking forward to celebrating you tomorrow and hope you like your present and that we can use it together!

9 Nov 2012

Every day I'm

April 2012

Red Crossing again. As said, I'm now working with multi culture in my full time Red Cross job, and volunteering in the Red Cross Youth - now with three consecutive weekends of Youth courses/seminars. I'm enjoying it, but now: Sleeeeeeep!

8 Nov 2012

Aaand now for Ingrid

Norway Day 2006

Happy birthday to one of my oldest friends! Cake! Ice cream! Everything! I probably wrote a much nicer text last year, go and have a look at that. Love you. We should celebrate our ten-year-anniversary soon.

7 Nov 2012

Happy Birthday Christine

 NYE 2009-2010

 Her own birthday last year

 A few days later, at Ida's birthday party 2011

This summer, on a walk in the woods where we got scared by cyclists

Hurra! Christine has always been a part of my group of friends (always = since 2006), but the last year we've gotten closer, through living in the same town again, living closer, going to the same gym, and having a lot of free nights this summer, which we've spent in more or less clever ways together. She's a friend I can climb a mountain with, go out with, watch a film with, or just go for a walk with at pretty much any time of day. So again, congratulations, you're catching up with me!

6 Nov 2012

 First photo, perfect focus, subjects busy

Second photo, slightly out of focus, subjects perfect

From left to right: Jens Johan Hjort, Mayor of Tromsø, and Åsne Havnelid, Secretary General of the Norwegian Red Cross. The Secretary General has been visiting all districts in Norway, and was now in Troms and Tromsø. We had a big breakfast meeting this morning, where the local politicians and the local organisations were invited to the Red Cross house. I was up at 6am to finish the preparations, together with a lot of other tired faces.
Those two are persons who have really got the right job. Both their jobs require them to represent, a lot, to travel around (Åsne) or stay in town (Jens Johan), but always be smiling and happy, be good with the press, but still get their strong opinions through. And they are perfect for their jobs, as they are both wonderfully charismatic people.

5 Nov 2012

Training course for trainers, yeah

 My dear Dasha was with me all weekend

 My youth delegates from Zimbabwe as well

 Sometimes we were sleepy

 At other times, full of energy (or at least, pretending)

And half the time, we were playing games and getting to know each other better

Again, I went to Oslo this weekend for a course on how to hold a Red Cross Youth course. I thought I'd be exhausted from not sleeping much the previous week, not to mention from being fed up with the Red Cross taking over my life. Quite the opposite happened! I was again working with the Youth, which has always been my thing, and in addition to that: I had no responsibility for the course. I could just participate and learn and have fun, and not worry about people missing their flight or getting lost or getting mad at me.
I had a remarkably good time, let's hope this sticks to the two next weekends, when I'm attending/arranging courses in Tromsø with/for the Red Cross Youth.

4 Nov 2012

"This blog has been deleted"

was the message that met me when I came back from Oslo this weekend. Why? There had been unusual activities on my google account, apparently. I managed to reset the password and my blog and everything looks normal, so I have no idea what happened. I'm sorry if you found my blog gone for a while! As a comfort, you shall have photos from Oslo soon.

2 Nov 2012

Sober October is Over

Once again.

Did I get thinner/happier/more balanced/better skin/whatever from doing this month of giving up things?

Not as far as I can tell. But I know it was good for my body to stay off alcohol. I know in the long run it will be good for me to get used to eating less meat. I know that my hair is happy I didn't spray it down with chemicals, and I know that I don't look too bad without makeup. People still talk to me and give me hugs quite voluntarily.

Now: Easy does it. I went to the Wine Monopoly (this is Norway, go read about it) for the first time in months (I can't remember the last time, even before Sober October) and I was struck by how every other customer in there was a drunkard. This might have something to do with it being seventeen minutes before closing time (which is at 6 pm, we're still in Norway), but still, it was a fairly strong reminder of what alcohol can do to you.

Ahead: I'll remember that you don't have to drink in all social settings. I'll try not to be the one pressuring others into having another drink, and another, and I will try to be sober without feeling brave, and tipsy without getting drunk.

As for the rest, I'll keep doing it all (make-up! nomming meat! wearing perfume!), but again, hopefully in moderation.

1 Nov 2012

Auntie Sunniva, again

Dina looking clever

This is how my sister let all of Facebook know that she's pregnant again, so I assume I'm allowed to share it. She put her daughter in a jumper that says "big sister" and posted a photo of it. Both of my parents mentioned it off-hand last Sunday, after they'd been to see them for the weekend.
All the applause for getting a new niece or nephew, all the sadness for my planning to travel after this person's birth, so I won't be around as much to begin with. Then again, I get to be cool travelling auntie (I choose to forget that her other aunt will stay in the Antarctic six months, and her uncle lives at Svalbard OH WELL).

30 Oct 2012


 View of the early afternoon moon from my dad's office (about 3pm)

View of the north end of town from my dad's office

Mostly because he works in the city hall, a few floors above the mayor, doing property planning stuff, and the new city hall is all made of windows and hardly any solid walls.
Also, look, more winter, more darkness early in the afternoon.

29 Oct 2012

Dropp Bomben

 Dasha and Precious in the library this morning

Precious, Dasha and Therese in the library, no mayor yet

This week is the big activity week for our Nuclear Weapons Campaign in the Red Cross Youth - so I apologise in advance to all my Facebook people and others who must endure me going on about it. I normally try to keep the Red Cross down on my personal Facebook account, to not be that annoying person who only posts about one thing (I also limit my toddler photos, much more than you can imagine) and nags everyone to join everything.
Now though. Please go to www.droppbomben.no if you're Norwegian/have a Norwegian post code, or go to www.icanw.org if you're from anywhere else. We need as many signatures as possible for our petition against nuclear weapons. The Ican website is amazing for giving lots of information about the issue, so I don't have to repeat it here.

28 Oct 2012

A trip to the printers

Finished product

 Becoming finished product (the paper to the right has print on it)

 People wearing winter clothes, to assure you that we do have winter

 Scrapped newspapers, with mistakes and such

Either a) an amazing rollercoaster for mice or b) a machine that carries the newspapers from place to place

On Friday, we went with the other volunteers at the student newspaper to the printers, to see how and where they print our newspaper. It's the same printer that does the local papers, and some regional prints of national newspapers. It's such a massive machinery, so much paper, so much work going into making these flimsy dailies - and our fortnightly newspaper. That aside, I just want to be a tiny mouse and go on the amazing rollercoaster.

26 Oct 2012

Winter winter winter

February 2012, not unlike October 2012

Winter is properly upon us now, and I'm realising I should have bought new winter boots a long time ago. I'm also volunteering for another festival, Insomnia, as a driver, and will be driving people and equipment around town tomorrow morning. Sceptical. All the warm clothes.

24 Oct 2012

A few weeks ago

 I went to visit my dearest

 Who has the most amazing hair, only surpassed by her mother

And I sat inside in the sunshine and pretended it was warm outside

We watched Pippi in the South Seas, (childhood memories!) and when I asked Dina whether she wanted to sneak up on people like a goshawk, she replied yes, although I'm not quite sure whether she understood what she was agreeing to do.

23 Oct 2012


Good job, Tromsø. You managed four months without any snow at all.

Of course, on Saturday, we drove further into the country, away from the sea, and they get more snow there. Still.

It's gone now, but the damage is done, we're in wintertime.

22 Oct 2012


 Failure in normal portrait

 All right band photos

Skredder by Kråkesølv (love the video. love her back muscles)

Kråkesølv is a lovely Northern Norwegian band (not as far north as us, but still) with texts that are both written very well, and written in Northern Norwegian. I interviewed them and photographed them for the student newspaper in Tromsø (which is far better than the Falmouth one) last week. All the likes.