How did you start travelling? You seemed to go from uni life in England to suddenly travelling through Sweden with a backpack and not much else.
Ouh, it’s very long story. So let’s go long! Thing is when you know what you want to do, but some small distractions happens in your life to achieve what you want to do, you still get where you’re supposed to be (what you knew to do).
Since 2010 I knew after UK it is Sweden. Funny that in our university we didn’t have many Swedes the same as Norwegians that many, many, many asked me why Sweden if I have so many Norwegian friends? Just because I felt it, my heart not whispered but yelled it loud!
So on my last half year in university, a lot hard, difficult and sad events were happening in my life that I had no time to think of my own future as it is supposed to “What are you going to do after uni? Oh, some internship there and there” – would be the typical usual answer, right? Not in my case. I decided to move back to my home country, and be with family some time. I felt I’m done with England, and England lifestyle was too heavy for me. You remember, I was not entirely happy there.
Here we go – happy, happiness – my life’s disaster, I always seek it so all this journey begun this way… While in Latvia, I get into church activities and helping to create atmosphere (decorations) for Give&Get workshop festival (with which I am still connected). But whole summer 2012 I was recovering from all suffer, tears and sad thoughts, a lot mind-blowing situations happened to me to become the true myself. Stepping out from my own personal frame, trying to reach horizon… And then suddenly I remembered I wanted to go to Sweden (it meant my mind probably had ‘woken up’ from my misery dream world). But it was kind of too late… I told myself it is time to give a chance to Latvia.
Latvia didn’t want me. And I am all about ‘feeling right time, moment, and place’. But I was stubborn as my mother says; I wanted to prove this is right! It wasn’t right. I met someone, of course big love story tadadadam! Swedish guy, oh boy! See, it was supposed to be, being in Latvia I stayed too long so a lot, a lot bad accidents, health issues and everything were catching me, and then suddenly everywhere I turned around it said: Sweden, Sweden, Sweden! And the cherry to this my Sweden cake was this guy!
Short story. I travelled to meet with him again, we stayed together, I met his friends, and so on. Exactly when I returned back two months later, in that community were happening a lot parties, so met new people, saw new places, and I just knew – this is right.
My intention was NEVER to start travelling. I always have wanted to see other places, but not the same way as we know what is travelling. I only begun my nomad life in Sweden as I was waiting to hear form possible jobs I applied, or university. Nothing good happened, so, I just followed the flow… And it brought me to amazing events, places and I met wonderful people, only through all this beautiful life of nomad ( some thinks ‘travelling’),I have had a lot challenges, hard times and down times, but when I opened my eyes and saw where I am and with who – I smiled and were thankful for my life.
Because I needed this, it had to happen. What I have gone through in meaning of friendships, relationships, Life with many ‘whys’, I wouldn’t have if I had decided to not get out from my comfort zone… This is how it begun.
Also, you hitchhike your way around. Are you never scared? I don't think I could ever do that.
In 2010 I hitchhiked from Falmouth to Paris, then Montpellier. Then I was scared as it was my first big hitchhike alone, and lonely girl in France… OH!!! Uhh! My naïve personality was crushed! Anyway, no I am not. I am more scared when I understand that “Oh, crap I am on the stage…” Because standing there by the road EVERYONE SEES YOU! And I don’t like attention much… I feel awkward and so on and therefore I have to have my flower-crown on so then I feel yes I am an actor now! Haha.
I also say – if you’re scared then don’t do it alone. Because hitchhiking is more than just thumb up! It’s energy, vibes and so on everything we can’t see, only the feeling world, because the way you feel that you attract on the road! This is super long story, but once I wrote this long story on “svenska liftare” facebook page about difference of hitchhiking taking it for granted and hitchhiking as journey…
How long have you been travelling?
Well, kind of since June 2012 I’ve been doing nothing, but first six months I spent in Latvia getting involved in Give&Get, and trying to build life there, but then since October 2012 my mind, my heart was gone to Sweden. Since February 2013 my body was transported to Sweden too! Haha. So, now we speak - it’s over a year.
How do you finance it?
This is the difficult one, because I am in Sweden, I am not in Eastern Europe Balkan part or anywhere else with lower living standard.
First months through 2013 I had great opportunities with collecting beer cans in order to give to recycling stations and get paid. It worked super well, because I never needed too much. And at the beginning I had my own savings or leftovers from university time, then I sold a lot cloth online after university, and so on. I had savings! And they run out, of course. But then I was lucky to be needed at farms so I didn’t need to buy food, I lived with people – farmers, gardeners / permaculture edible forest food magicians! From like October it got me little bit worried. Then my mother has helped me through – sent me like 200kr each month or sometimes less than months, it really depended on my situation where I was planning to do. Because like I have explained to my drivers – when I know I’m on a longer road trip, then I need money, but it finds me! Always someone tells I can take their beer cans, or I find money on the street! And when I am off the road, I need less or nothing.
Mainly I believe this nomad path came to me that I had to learn the value of money…
How do you find the people you stay with? Did you stay with any communes? What are people like when you meet them on the road like this?
The drivers I meet – some of them stays in contact with me, facebook/email/number. But I haven’t accepted their invitation, because I always know where I am going to, and in warmer time I have my tent. These people like I mentioned I begun to meet through this Swedish guy. Only four of them, and then through these four more people, more collective farm parties, birthdays and other celebrations, and more, more, more till I knew almost everyone that few of them have become very close, dear friends.
People I meet on the road are completely different to who I know in Sweden, but I know that people who I meet on the road will never be like me, so we have met for reason to understand the diversity of people. They are curious of my life and say – I'd never do that, you’re brave – and so on, and I see I couldn’t do their life, but we talk about Life in general, we laugh and drink statoil coffee, and for some short or long period we share out life together, our experiences. Some times I have got messages from some of them back to me saying thank you that I inspired them, to live… It makes me happy inwardly because my inner world is completly disaster! Haha.
P.S. When I decide to go for a small adventure to new place I do check what’s going on on couchsurfing, but I have used it only three or four times since I’ve been in Sweden.
And most importantly, how do you fit your life into a backpack for an extended period?
At the beginning it was hard! Then I literally had everything in my backpack, You don’t need much. Jumper, cloths for rain/wind, two shirts, pants/shorts (depends season), and in summer one boots because you can be barefoot the rest of time. And most annoying bag in my backpack is underwear and warm socks, because these you wish to change more often than your unwashed jeans, haha.
You learn to get rid of many things… I used to have big bags for hair, body, face lotions and etc. Now I need one bottle of shampoo and coconut oil jar for face, body, hair! Then I have few colour pencils, watercolours, other funky things in my bag because you never know when creative inspiration arrives! Of course a flower crown bag too!
But now I have even a place I call a home in Sweden, so, I keep my things there and when I pass by I pick up cloth from there and off I go again. So, basically all my life isn’t in bag, but in general is, I only switch cloths, but my essential things are always in my backpack.
One funny thing I always say – in my bag I have maybe one extra outfit, but there will be always one nice fancy thing a blouse or a dress because you never know! My friends gave me name posh hitchhiker, and because of my flower crowns – the queen of the roads (my comment: only in Sweden, Im not travelling around elsewhere yet).
That’s all!
Well – following your path of heart is not easy, you know, when you’re right
time, place, you meet beautiful people who reflects who you are as well, all is
mirror reflected! But I mean not for everyone this is the only way of personal
growth… We all have so many patterns! That probably for you to get out of your
comfort zone is something else, to me , this has been bugging me all my life, I
always have wanted to be like this but the same time not with this mindset in
this world when it is so difficult teach you the value of money, because you
know it does not make you happy, but to live in this world we do need it, its
stupid, because we should pay rent to planet Earth, haha. It’s not easy, but
gotta trust the universe!
You can follow Eleina on Instagram: @theeleina and on Tumblr: